The Consortium for Risk-Based Firearm Policy              

September 2020

The Consortium for Risked-Based Firearm Policy



September marked yet another month of robust research related to gun violence prevention, and an exciting update on the status of the CDC and NIH investment in gun violence prevention research funding. Read on for this month’s updates followed by our September research recap.


Research Funding:

This month, both the CDC and NIH announced the recipients of research grants to prevent firearm-related violence and injuries. Congratulations to all awardees, we look forward to learning from your work!


The National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Division for Violence Prevention (DVP) announced funding for 16 projects, totaling ~$7.8 million:

  • Exposure to Violence and Subsequent Weapons Use: Integrative Data Analysis Across Two Urban High-Risk Communities (Rowell Huesmann, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor)
    Firearm Behavioral Practices and Suicide Risk in U.S. Army Soldiers and Veterans (David Benedek, Henry M. Jackson Foundation)
  • Prevalence of Community Gun Violence Exposure and Consequences for Adolescent Well-Being: Identifying Sources of Heterogeneity to disrupt the Cycle of Violence (Nicole Kravitz-Wirtz, University of California at Davis)
  • Using Small-Area Estimates of Firearm Ownership to Investigate Violence Disparities and Firearm Policy Effects (Andrew Morral, Rand Corporation)
  • Firearm Access, Opioid Use, and Firearm Suicide (Aimee Moulin, University of California at Davis)
  • Understanding the Epidemiology of Firearm Injuries in a Large Urban County: A Guide for Targeted Intervention Efforts (Bindi Naik-Mathuria, Baylor College of Medicine)
  • An Examination of Firearm Violence Crises Using Crisis Text Line Data: Filling a Critical Gap (Anna Yaros, Research Triangle Institute)
  • IntERact: Preventing Risky Firearm Behaviors Among Urban Youth Seeking Emergency Department Care (Patrick Carter, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor)
  • Multi-Site External Validation and Improvement of a Clinical Screening Tool for Future Firearm Violence (Jason Goldstick, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor)
  • An Evaluation of the Gun Shop Project: Suicide Prevention Led by the Firearms Community (Sabrina Mattson, University of Colorado)
  • Participatory Action Research to Inform a Social-Ecological Model of Gun-Related Attitudes, Behaviors, and Practices (Krista Mehari, University of South Alabama)
  • Reframing Firearm Injury Prevention Through Bystander Interventions for Youth Shooting Sports Participants (Megan Ranney, Brown University)
  • Culture, Longitudinal Patterns, and Safety Promotion of Handgun Carrying Among Rural Adolescents:
  • Implications for Injury Prevention (Ali Rowhani-Rahbar, University of Washington)
  • ShootSafe: An Interactive Web Platform to Teach Children Hunting, Shooting, and Firearms Safety (David Schwebel, University of Alabama at Birmingham)
  • Firearm Involvement in Adolescent Children of Formerly Incarcerated Parents: A Prospective Intergenerational Study of Resilience Within Families (Linda Teplin, Northwestern University at Chicago)
  • Preventing Retaliatory Gun Violence in Violently Injured Adults: A Randomized Control Trial of a Hospital-Based Intervention (Nicholas Thomson, Virginia Commonwealth University)


NIH announced funding for nine projects, totaling ~$8.5 million:

  • Online Storage Maps to Facilitate Voluntary Firearm Storage: Mixed Methods Evaluation (Emmy Betz, University of Colorado, Denver)
  • Decision Making Among Older Adults: Firearm Retirement (Emmy Betz, University of Colorado, Denver)
  • Mechanisms underlying the association of firearm availability and vulnerability to suicide (Craig Bryan, Ohio State University)
  • A comparison of firearm-related intimate partner homicide in Texas and Maryland: Prevalence, identification of those at risk, and the effect of firearm regulations (Jacquelyn Campbell, Johns Hopkins University)
  • Firearm Injury and Mortality Prevention with Project Talent (Benjamin Chapman, University of Rochester)
  • Evaluating implementation and feasibility of evidence-based universal screening and intervention strategies for firearm injury and mortality prevention among youth and adults in emergency departments (Thomas McGinn, Feinstein Institute for Medical Research)
  • Alcohol restrictions and firearm prohibitions based on mental illness: Effects on fatal and nonfatal firearm injuries (Nancy Nicosia, RAND Corporation)
  • Impact of State-Level Policies on Maternal Mortality (Maeve Wallace, Tulane University of Louisiana)
  • Family Safety Net: Developing an upstream suicide prevention approach to encourage safe firearm storage in rural and remote Alaskan homes (Lisa Wexler, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor)


CDC’s Division of Violence Prevention also announced the ten state health departments to receive funding to provide surveillance data in near-real time on emergency visits for nonfatal firearm injuries (DC, FL, GA, NM, NC, OR, UT, VA, WA, and WV).


Finally, the CDC announced its award recipients for grants to support new investigators in conducting research related to preventing interpersonal violence impacting children and youth. Two of the recipients were focused on firearm-related research, including Consortium contributor, Dr. Rose Kagawa of U.C. Davis, for research on Physical, Social, and Economic Environments and Firearm Fatalities Among Youth, and Dr. Caitlin Elsaesser of University of Connecticut Storrs, for research on Preventing Youth Violence Through Technology Enhanced Street Outreach: A Community-Engaged Approach. Congratulations!


New Resources:

New CSGV Report, Guns Down At The Polls: How States Can and Should Limit Firearms at Polling Places.


Video recording of John Jay College’s Future of Public Safety Conversations: Public Health & Welfare.



Ari Davis wrote a San Francisco Chronicle op-ed: California gun law on microstamping can help solve crimes. Industry must accept it.


Josh Horwitz quoted in Courier Newsroom: Violence Is Increasing During COVID-19. We Asked This Gun Violence Expert Why.


Darrell Miller wrote a Washington Post op-ed: Gun laws were meant to ban private militants. Now, our hands are tied.


Daniel Webster quoted in WAMU: Without Reliable Funding, Violence Prevention Programs Are At Risk and in Slate: “Law and Order” Isn’t the Answer to Rising Crime in Philadelphia.


In Congress:

Last but not least, this month, friend of the Consortium Russell Lemle testified as an expert witness in the House Veteran Affairs’ Committee legislative hearing on veteran mental health and suicide prevention (his full written testimony is available here).


We’re excited to share that lethal means safety counseling received a lot of positive attention in this hearing, including through consideration of Congresswoman Lauren Underwood’s Lethal Means Safety Training Act, H.R. 8084 (which was in part based on recommendations in the Consortium’s 2017 report, Breaking through Barriers). Congresswoman Underwood also officially submitted into the record the letter signed by many of you endorsing the legislation, though unfortunately, H.R. 8084 was not ultimately included in the larger bill package being considered. The Congresswoman’s remarks are available here and the endorsement letter can be found here.




Anestis MD, Bandel SL, Butterworth SE, Bond AE, Daruwala SE, & Bryan CJ. (2020). Suicide risk and firearm ownership and storage behavior in a large military sample. Psychiatry Research. 


Azrael D & Miller M. (2020). Access to firearms, homicide, and suicide: Role of the mortality multiplier. American Journal of Public Health.


Blair RJR. (2020). Callous-unemotional traits and gun violence. American Journal of Psychiatry. 


Braga AA, Brunson RK, Cook PJ, Turchan B, & Wade B. (2020). Underground gun markets and the flow of illegal guns into the Bronx and Brooklyn: A mixed methods analysis. Journal of Urban Health. 


Bryan CJ, Bryan AO, & Anestis MD. (2020). Associations among exaggerated threat perceptions, suicidal thoughts, and suicidal behaviors in U.S. firearm owners. Journal of Psychiatric Research. 


Donnelly KA, Patel SJ, & Goyal MK. (2020). Never just a shot in the dark: Pediatric firearm advocacy. Clinical Pediatric Emergency Medicine. 


Goldman-Mellor S, Hall C, Cerdá M, & Bhat H. (2020). Firearm suicide mortality among emergency department patients with physical health problems. Annals of Epidemiology. 


Goldstick JE, Carter PM, & Cunningham RM. (2020). Current epidemiological trends in firearm mortality in the United States. JAMA Psychiatry. 


Janeway MG, Zhao X, Rosenthaler M, Zuo Y, Balasubramaniyan K, Poulson M, Neufeld M, Siracuse JJ, Takahashi CE, Allee L, Dechert T, Burke PA, Li F, & Kalesan B. (2020). Clinical diagnostic phenotypes in hospitalizations due to self-inflicted firearm injury. Journal of Affective Disorders. 


Jones KA. (2020). A seat at the table: Centering the voices of gun violence survivors. Pediatrics. 


Kivisto AJ, Kivisto KL, Gurnell E, Phalen P, & Ray B. (2020). Adolescent suicide, household firearm ownership, and the effects of child access prevention laws. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 


Lemle RB. (2020). Veterans, firearms, and suicide: Safe storage prevention policy and the PREVENTS roadmap. Federal Practitioner. 


Liu Y, Siegel M, & Sen B. (2020). Neighbors do matter: Between-state firearm laws and state firearm-related deaths in the U.S., 2000-2017. American Journal of Preventive Medicine.


Lyons VH, Benson LR, Griffin E, Floyd AS, Kiche SW, Haggerty KP, Whiteside L, Conover S, Herman DB, Rivara FP, & Rowhani-Rahbar A. (2020). Fidelity assessment of a social work-led intervention among patients with firearm injuries. Research on Social Work Practice. 


Lyons VH, Haviland MJ, Azrael D, Adhia A, Bellenger MA, Ellyson A, Rowhani-Rahbar A, & Rivara FP. (2020). Firearm purchasing and storage during the COVID-19 pandemic. Injury Prevention. 


Miller M, Salhi C, Barber C, Azrael D, Beatriz E, Berrigan J, Brandspigel S, Betz ME, & Runyan C. (2020). Changes in firearm and medication storage practices in homes of youths at risk for suicide: Results of the SAFETY study, a clustered, emergency department-based, multisite, stepped-wedge trial. Annals of Emergency Medicine. 


Moe CA, Haviland MJ, Bowen AG, Rowhani-Rahbar A, & Rivara FP. (2020). Association of Minimum age laws for handgun purchase and possession with homicides perpetrated by young adults aged 18 to 20 years. JAMA Pediatrics. 


Moise IK. (2020). Youth and weapons: Patterns, individual and neighborhood correlates of violent crime arrests in Miami-Dade County, Florida. Health & Place. 


Perras N, Sternfeld I, Fei S, Fischer B, Richards G, & Chun K. (2020). Analysis of domestic violence related homicides in Los Angeles County: Media portrayals, demographics, and precipitating circumstances. Journal of Family Violence. 


Sakran JV, Nance M, Riall T, Asmar S, Chehab M, & Joseph B. (2020). Pediatric Firearm Injuries and Fatalities: Do Racial Disparities Exist? Annals of Surgery. 


Schleimer JP, Wintemute GJ, & Kravitz-Wirtz N. (2020). Firearm ownership and perceived risk of personal firearm injury. Injury Prevention. 


Sheppard KS, Hall K, Carney J, Griffith C, Rudolph M, Zelinsky M, & Gettings E. (2020). Original research: Nurses’ knowledge and comfort with assessing inpatients’ firearm access and providing education on safe gun storage. American Journal of Nursing.


Sivaraman JJ, Marshall SW, & Ranapurwala SI. (2020). State firearm laws, race and law enforcement-related deaths in 16 US states: 2010-2016. Injury Prevention. 


Sokol RL, Schmidt C, Miller AL, Walton MA, Zimmerman M, Resnicow K, Cunningham RM, & Carter PM. (2020). Motivations for firearm possession and storage practices among urban young adults: Differences between parents and non-parents. Injury Prevention. 


Spitzer SA, Pear VA, McCort CD, & Wintemute GJ. (2020). Incidence, distribution, and lethality of firearm injuries in California from 2005 to 2015. JAMA Network Open. 


Stewart RM. (2020). Invited Commentary on “Pediatric Firearm Injuries and Fatalities: Do Racial Disparities Exist?” Annals of Surgery. 


Swanson JW. (2020). Correction to: The color of risk protection orders: Gun violence, gun laws, and racial justice. Injury Epidemiology. 


Swanson JW. (2020). Preventing suicide through better firearm safety policy in the United States. Psychiatric Services. 


Tomsich EA, Kravitz-Wirtz N, Pallin R, & Wintemute GJ. (2020). Firearm ownership among LGBT adults in California. Violence and Gender.


Zeineddin A, Williams M, Nonez H, Nizam W, Olufajo OA, Ortega G, Haider A, & Cornwell EE. (2020). Gunshot injuries in American trauma centers: Analysis of the lethality of multiple gunshot wounds. American Surgeon.


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