The Consortium for Risk-Based Firearm Policy              

August 2020

The Consortium for Risked-Based Firearm Policy



We hope that everyone is continuing to stay healthy and safe as we mark the end of summer. In the midst of a pandemic affecting all of our lives, we remain impressed by the number of new research articles published each month. The field of gun violence prevention research has grown exponentially in recent years and we are honored to be part of this community.


Please read on for new resources and news highlights from this month, followed by our monthly research recap.


In Congress

As many of you know, in 2017 the Consortium released its report, “Breaking Through Barriers: The Emerging Role of Healthcare Provider Training Programs in Firearm Suicide Prevention.” The report outlined the importance of lethal means safety counseling as an effective suicide prevention intervention and recommended that lethal means safety counseling be an essential part of comprehensive provider-based suicide prevention programs.


Based on these recommendations, CSGV worked with Representative Lauren Underwood’s (D-IL) office to introduce the Lethal Means Safety Act (H.R. 8084), which would update the lethal means safety counseling and suicide prevention training that healthcare providers within the Department of Veteran Affairs currently receive and would require that all department staff who come into contact with veterans receive such training. Our full press release is available here.


Press Highlights


New Resources

  • We’re excited to share the launch of ERPO Insider, a new monthly e-newsletter from Implement ERPO, a project of the Bloomberg American Health Initiative. This new resource will help people who are implementing ERPO laws in their communities and those supporting implementation efforts stay current with implementation activities across the nation. Read the inaugural issue of ERPO Insider, published August 28—and subscribe to receive future issues.
  • Cass Crifasi and the Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Policy and Research released this new informative video on the intersection of COVID-19, firearms, and suicide.
  • The U.S. Secret Service released its annual Mass Attacks in Public Spaces report for 2019.


Upcoming Events

On September 23, FACTS is hosting its annual firearm prevention research symposium virtually. To register for free or to learn more, visit their website.


As a reminder, our newsletter archive is publicly available and we share the research recaps on twitter throughout the month – follow us on twitter @Consortium_RBFP! Please tag us in your tweets or email us your updates so we can amplify and highlight the gun violence prevention work you’re doing.




Adhia A, Lyons VH, Cohen-Cline H, & Rowhani-Rahbar A. (2020). Life experiences associated with change in perpetration of domestic violence. Injury Epidemiology. 


Ahmad M, Mekala H, Lone J, Robinson K, & Shah K. (2020). Addressing mass shootings in a new light. Cureus.


Doh KF, Morris CR, Akbar T, Chaudhary S, Lazarus SG, Figueroa J, Agarwal M, & Simon HK. (2020). The relationship between parents’ reported storage of firearms and their children’s perceived access to firearms: A safety disconnect. Clinical Pediatrics. 


Dopp AL. (2020). Formalizing the profession’s commitment to preventing violence. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy. 


Frattaroli S, Pollack Porter K, Omaki E, Vernick JS, & Gielen AC. (2020). Creating and disseminating a resource for state policy makers about injury and violence prevention: A case example of translating research to policy. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice. 


Grant JE & Chamberlain SR. (2020). Firearm ownership among young adults: Associations with impulsivity and impulse control disorders. Annals of Clinical Psychiatry.  


Haviland MJ, Rowhani-Rahbar A, & Rivara FP. (2020). Age, period and cohort effects in firearm homicide and suicide in the USA, 1983–2017. Injury Prevention. 


Kafka JM, Moracco KE, Young BR, Taheri C, Graham LM, Macy RJ, & Proescholdbell SK. (2020). Fatalities related to intimate partner violence: Towards a comprehensive perspective. Injury Prevention. 


Lyons VH, Rowhani-Rahbar A, Adhia A, & Weiss NS. (2020). Selection bias and misclassification in case–control studies conducted using the National Violent Death Reporting System. Injury Prevention. 


McCourt AD, Crifasi CK, Stuart EA, Vernick JS, Kagawa RMC, Wintemute GJ, & Webster DW. (2020). Purchaser licensing, point-of-sale background check laws, and firearm homicide and suicide in 4 US states, 1985–2017. American Journal of Public Health. 


Mueller KL, Naganathan S, & Griffey RT. (2020). Counseling on Access to Lethal Means-Emergency Department (CALM-ED): A quality improvement program for firearm injury prevention. Western Journal of Emergency Medicine. 


Neustadtl AL, Kaneb A, Neustadtl AD, & Milzman D. (2020). Emergency department providers knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs towards firearm ownership and reporting. American Journal of Emergency Medicine. 


Ng-Kamstra JS, & Lajoie J. (2020). Canadian doctors for protection from guns: How physicians contributed to policy change. Injury Prevention.


Peluso H, Cull JD, & Abougergi MS. (2020). Race impacts outcomes of patients with firearm injuries. American Surgeon.


Phillips R, Shahi N, Bensard D, Meier M, Shirek G, Goldsmith A, Recicar J, Haasz M, Schroeppel T, & Moulton S. (2020). Guns, scalpels, and sutures: The cost of gunshot wounds in children and adolescents. Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery. 


Sabatello M, Burke TB, McDonald KE, & Appelbaum PS. (2020). Disability, ethics, and health care in the COVID-19 pandemic. American Journal of Public Health.


Schleimer JP, Pallin R, Wintemute GJ, Charbonneau A, & Kravitz-Wirtz N. (2020). Patterns of firearm ownership and opinions on firearm policies among adults in California. JAMA Network Open.


Smart R, Schell TL, Cefalu M, & Morral AR. (2020). Impact on nonfirearm deaths of firearm laws affecting firearm deaths: A systematic review and meta-analysis. American Journal of Public Health. 


Swanson JW. (2020). The color of risk protection orders: Gun violence, gun laws, and racial justice. Injury Epidemiology. 


Tu W, Ha H, Wang W, & Liu L. (2020). Investigating the association between household firearm ownership and suicide rates in the United States using spatial regression models. Applied Geography.


Williams M, Olufajo OA, & Cornwell EE. (2021). Response to: Tony Kuo, et al. Policy and other opportunities to intervene on firearm injury in the United States. Journal of Surgical Research.


Wintemute G. (2020). Health professionals, violence, and social change. Annals of Internal Medicine. 


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For more information, contact Silvia Villarreal at

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