The Consortium for Risk-Based Firearm Policy              

July 2020

The Consortium for Risked-Based Firearm Policy



July marked another month of robust research related to gun violence prevention, with more than 30 peer-reviewed journal articles published! You’ll find our July research recap below this month’s updates.


In Congress:

This month, the House of Representatives passed its Fiscal Year 2021 spending bills, which include $55M for gun violence prevention research! If this funding bill is signed into law, this would be $30M more than what was allocated last year. There is still an uphill battle to final passage in the Senate, but we will be sure to keep you all updated.


Other meaningful violence prevention funding provisions of the House-passed appropriations bills include: $400M for grants to carry out police reform initiatives; $9M for community-based violence prevention initiatives; $525M for Violence Against Women Act programs; $88M for states to improve records for the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS); $1.55B for the ATF, including increased funding to expand the National Integrated Ballistic Information Network (NIBIN); and $10M for a new effort focused on researching social determinants of health.


Additionally, the bills include important policy provisions related to: limiting the transfer of military-grade equipment to state and local law enforcement; directing the CDC to submit a comprehensive report detailing the scope and intersection of all forms of violence in the U.S., the cost of violence, and areas where more data and intervention are needed; and encouraging the Department of Veterans Affairs medical centers to collaborate with state and local law enforcement on ERPO and other similar gun safety laws and to adopt programs and protocols on firearm safety and storage.


New Gun Violence Prevention Resources:

  • The Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence relaunched its website,, to serve as a comprehensive resource for those seeking to understand gun violence. It compiles data, research, and recommendations for addressing America’s gun violence epidemic. Each “Learn” page includes a downloadable “Quick Facts” section summarizing the content, in-depth analysis of each topic, a recommendations section, and a section containing additional research, materials, and other resources related to each topic. The site features the work of the Consortium, its members, and our colleagues across the academic spectrum.
  • The National Institute for Criminal Justice Reform launched a new website, the Cost of Violence, breaking down the specific governmental costs associated with each gun homicide and injury shooting in cities across the U.S., including crime scene response, hospital and rehabilitation, criminal justice, incarceration, victim support, and lost tax revenue.
  • The Violence Project updated its publicly-available mass shootings database to include over 50 new variables.


Racial Equity and Anti-Racism Resources:


Press Highlights:




As a reminder, our newsletter archive is publicly available and we share the research recaps on twitter throughout the month – follow us on twitter @Consortium_RBFP! Please tag us in your tweets or email us your updates so we can amplify and highlight the gun violence prevention work you’re doing.




Abaza R, Lukens-Bull K, Bayouth L, Smotherman C, Tepas J, & Crandall M. (2020). Gunshot wound incidence as a persistent, tragic symptom of area deprivation. Surgery.


Amongero L. (2020). United States v. Milton: Application of a Sentencing Enhancement Where a Firearm is Possessed in Connection with a Simple Drug Offense. Montana Law Review Online. 


Anestis MD, Bandel SL, Butterworth SE, Bond AE, Daruwala SE, & Bryan CJ. (2020). Suicide risk and firearm ownership and storage behavior in a large military sample. Psychiatry Research. 


Bailey RK, Saldana AM, & Saldana AM. (2020). Firearm ownership and violent crime. Virginia Journal of Social Policy & the Law. 


Betz ME, Azrael D, Johnson RL, Knoepke CE, Ranney ML, Wintemute GJ, Matlock D, Suresh K, & Miller M. (2020). Views on firearm safety among caregivers of people with Alzheimer disease and related dementias. JAMA Network Open. 


Blosnich JR, Karras E, & Bossarte RM. (2020). Response variations to survey items about firearms in the 2004 and 2017 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. American Journal of Health Promotion. 


Carcirieri AT. (2020). Firearm relinquishment within civil protection orders: Processes and observations from Delaware Family Court. Journal of Family Violence. 


Ciomek AM, Braga AA, & Papachristos AV. (2020). The influence of firearms trafficking on gunshot injuries in a co-offending network. Social Science & Medicine. 


de Jager E, McCarty J, Jarman MP, Uribe-Leitz T, Goralnick E, Haider AH, Schoenfeld AJ, & Ortega G. (2020). The association of state firearm legislation with the burden of firearm-related surgery. Journal of Surgical Research. 


Diurba S, Johnson RL, Siry BJ, Knoepke CE, Suresh K, Simpson SA, Azrael D, Ranney ML, Wintemute GJ, & Betz ME. (2020). Lethal means assessment and counseling in the emergency department: Differences by provider type and personal home firearms. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior. 


Esparaz JR, Waters AM, Mathis MS, Deng L, Xie R, Chen MK, Beierle EA, & Russell RT. (2020). The disturbing findings of pediatric firearm injuries from the National Trauma Data Bank: 2010-2016. Journal of Surgical Research. 


Frattaroli S & Irvin NA. (2020). Extreme risk protection orders in Washington: A tool for reducing the lethality of dangerous behaviors. Annals of Internal Medicine.


Frattaroli S, Omaki E, Molocznik A, Allchin A, Hopkins R, Shanahan S, & Levinson A. (2020). Extreme risk protection orders in King County, Washington: The epidemiology of dangerous behaviors and an intervention response. Injury Epidemiology. 


Gastineau KA, Stegall CL, Lowrey LK, Giourgas BK, & Andrews AL. (2020). Improving the frequency and documentation of gun safety counseling in a resident primary care clinic. Academic Pediatrics. 


Geary S, Graham LM, Moracco KE, Ranapurwala SI, Proescholdbell SK, & Macy RJ. (2020). Intimate partner homicides in North Carolina: 2011-2015. North Carolina Medical Journal. 


Hemenway D. (2020). Let’s make it a priority to improve injury data. Injury Prevention. 


Jackson DB, Lynch KR, & Testa A. (2020). Intimate partner violence, firearms, and sleep disturbances: The influence of coercive control and partner firearm ownership. Sleep Health. 


John A, Azrael D, & Miller M. (2020). Access to firearms and adolescent suicide. BMJ.


Kalesan B, Zhao S, Poulson M, Neufeld M, Dechert T, Siracuse JJ, Zuo Y, & Li F. (2020). Intersections of firearm suicide, drug-related mortality, and economic dependency in rural America. Journal of Surgical Research. 


Maani N, Abdalla SM, & Galea S. (2020). The firearm industry as a commercial determinant of health. American Journal of Public Health. 


Magee LA, Dir AL, Clifton RL, Wiehe SE, & Aalsma MC. (2020). Patterns of adolescent gun carrying and gun-related crime arrests in Indianapolis, Indiana over an 11-year time period. Preventive Medicine. 


Morgan ER & Rowhani-Rahbar A. (2020). Firearm safety in an aging United States. JAMA Network Open. 


Neufeld MY, Janeway MG, Lee SY, Miller MI, Smith EA, Kalesan B, Allee L, Dechert T, & Sanchez SE. (2020). Utilization of mental health services in pediatric patients surviving penetrating trauma resulting from interpersonal violence. American Journal of Surgery. 


Pear VA, McCort CD, Kravitz-Wirtz N, Shev AB, Rowhani-Rahbar A, & Wintemute GJ. (2020). Risk factors for assaultive reinjury and death following a nonfatal firearm assault injury: A population-based retrospective cohort study. Preventive Medicine. 


Peeples L. (2020). What the data say about police brutality and racial bias—And which reforms might work. Nature. 


Pizarro JM, Zgoba KM, & Pelletier KR. (2020). Firearm use in violent crime: Examining the role of premeditation and motivation in weapon choice. Journal of Primary Prevention. 


Polzer ER, Nearing K, Knoepke CE, Matlock DD, Azrael D, Siry BJ, Meador L, & Betz ME. (2020). “Safety in dementia”: Development of an online caregiver tool for firearm, driving, and home safety. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.


Raifman J, Larson E, Barry CL, Siegel M, Ulrich M, Knopov A, & Galea S. (2020). State handgun purchase age minimums in the US and adolescent suicide rates: Regression discontinuity and difference-in-differences analyses. BMJ.


Robertson AG, Easter MM, Lin HJ, Khoury D, Pierce J, Swanson J, & Swartz M. (2020). Gender-specific participation and outcomes among jail diversion clients with co-occurring substance use and mental health disorders. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment. 


Rowhani-Rahbar A, Bellenger MA, Gibb L, Chesnut H, Lowry-Schiller M, Gause E, Haviland MJ, & Rivara FP. (2020). Extreme risk protection orders in Washington. Annals of Internal Medicine.


Rowhani-Rahbar A, Bellenger MA, Gibb L, Chesnut H, Lowry-Schiller M, Gause E, Haviland MJ, & Rivara FP. (2020). Summary for Patients: Extreme Risk Protection Orders to Restrict Access to Firearms by Persons at Risk for Harming Themselves or Others. Annals of Internal Medicine. 


Salhi C, Azrael D, & Miller M. (2020). Patterns of gun owner beliefs about firearm risk in relation to firearm storage: A latent class analysis using the 2019 National Firearms Survey. Injury Prevention. 


Serlin D. (2020). Guns, germs, and public history: A conversation with Jennifer Tucker. Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences. 


Sierra‐Arévalo M & Nix J. (2020). Gun victimization in the line of duty. Criminology & Public Policy. 


Wong B, Bernstein S, Jay J, & Siegel M. (2020). Differences in racial disparities in firearm homicide across cities: The role of racial residential segregation and gaps in structural disadvantage. Journal of the National Medical Association. 


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For more information, contact Silvia Villarreal at

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