The Consortium for Risk-Based Firearm Policy              

October 2020

The Consortium for Risked-Based Firearm Policy



Happy Halloween!


This month, the big news to share is our own: on Wednesday we released our latest report, Extreme Risk Protection Orders: New Recommendations for Policy and Implementation. The new report details new recommendations to improve and enhance the effectiveness of the state-based gun violence prevention policy known as extreme risk protection orders (ERPOs), including on:


  1. Duration of orders
  2. Third party clauses / joint occupancy clauses
  3. Cases involving minors at risk of violence
  4. Eligible petitioners
  5. Submission of records to NICS to prevent firearm purchases
  6. Data reporting and availability


The Consortium also issued federal recommendations regarding supporting state policy implementation and funding for NICS to assure that ERPOs effectively serve as firearm purchase prohibitors. These new recommendations are based on the latest research and an examination of the enacted versions of the law. The Consortium’s new recommendations build upon its initial 2013 recommendations and provide resources for policymakers as they move forward with passing and amending ERPO laws.


The report launch was paired with a webinar hosted by the Ed Fund, and the recommendations were echoed in a compelling op ed by Consortium contributor Paul Nestadt in the Washington Post. To learn more about ERPO, check out “ERPO: A Civil Approach To Gun Violence Prevention Teach-Out” from the Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Policy and Research, the Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence, and the Bloomberg American Health Initiative; the interactive teach-out ends 11/8 but the content will remain accessible thereafter.


New Resources:


Media Highlights:


Finally – we all know that election day is just around the corner – make sure your voice is heard! There are many people running on gun violence prevention and public health up and down the ballot. Happy voting!




American College of Emergency Physicians. (2020). Firearm safety and injury prevention. Annals of Emergency Medicine.


Anestis MD & Daruwala SE. (2020). The association between beliefs about the centrality of mental illness in gun violence and general firearm beliefs and behaviors. Psychology of Violence.


Beidas RS, Rivara F, & Rowhani-Rahbar A. (2020). Safe firearm storage: A call for research informed by firearm stakeholders. Pediatrics.


Beseler C, Mitchell KJ, Jones LM, Turner HA, Hamby S, & Roy Wade J. (2020). The youth firearm risk and safety tool (Youth-FiRST): Psychometrics and validation of a gun attitudes and violence exposure assessment tool. Violence and Victims. 


Betz ME, Miller M, Matlock DD, Wintemute GJ, Johnson RL, Grogan C, Lum HD, Knoepke CE, Ranney ML, Suresh K, & Azrael D. (2020). Older firearm owners and advance planning: Results of a national survey. Annals of Internal Medicine. 


Blocher J & Jacob C. (2020). Firearms, extreme risk, and legal design: “Red flag” laws and due process. Virginia Law Review. 


Blosnich JR, Clark KA, Mays VM, & Cochran SD. (2020). Sexual and gender minority status and firearms in the household: Findings from the 2017 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System surveys, California and Texas. Public Health Reports. 


Bongiorno DM, Kramer EN, Booty MD, & Crifasi CK. (2020). Development of an online map of safe gun storage sites in Maryland for suicide prevention. International Review of Psychiatry. 


Braga AA, Brunson RK, Cook PJ, Turchan B, & Wade B. (2020). Underground gun markets and the flow of illegal guns into the Bronx and Brooklyn: A mixed methods analysis. Journal of Urban Health. 


Carmichael H, Samuels JM, Jamison EC, Bol KA, Coleman JJ, Campion EM, & Velopulos CG. (2020). Finding the elusive trauma denominator: Feasibility of combining data sets to quantify the true burden of firearm trauma. Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery.


Cirone J, Keskey R, Hampton D, Slidell M, Crandall M, Rattan R, Velopulos CG, Allen D, Williams BH, Wilson K, & Zakrison TL. (2020). Recent release from prison—A novel risk factor for intimate partner homicide. Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery. 


Cook PJ. (2020). Thinking about gun violence. Criminology & Public Policy. 


Dirlam J, Steidley T, & Jacobs D. (2020). A link to the past: Race, lynchings, and the passage of stand-your-ground laws. Sociological Quarterly. 


Donnelly KA, Badolato GM, & Goyal MK. (2020). Determining intentionality of pediatric firearm injuries by international classification of disease code. Pediatric Emergency Care. 


Ellyson AM, Gause EL, Rowhani-Rahbar A, & Rivara F. (2020). Unspecified firearm type for firearm suicides in the National Vital Statistics System: A county-level analysis. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 


Fulginiti A, Hsu HT, Call J, Petering R, Santa Maria D, Shelton J, Narendorf SC, Ferguson KM, Bender K, & Barman-Adhikari A. (2020). Firearm access and suicidal crises among young adults experiencing homelessness in the United States. Crisis. 


Herring MK. (2020). Exploring spatial differences between 2 US firearm mortality data sets in 2017. Preventing Chronic Disease. 


Hodges HJ, Fessinger MB, Bornstein BH, Low EC, Viñas-Racionero R, & Scalora MJ. (2020). A loaded subject: Comparison of experiences, knowledge, and attitudes about firearms between a diverse male forensic psychiatric sample and a male community sample. Psychology of Violence.


Hoops K, Hernandez E, Ziegfeld S, Nasr I, & Crifasi C. (2020). Evaluating the use of a pamphlet as an educational tool to improve safe firearm storage in the home. Clinical Pediatrics. 


Hoops K, Johnson T, Grossman ER, McCourt A, Crifasi C, & Benjamin-Neelon SE. (2020). Stay-at-home orders and firearms in the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic. Preventive Medicine. 


Kaufman EJ, Passman JE, Jacoby SF, Holena DN, Seamon MJ, MacMillan J, & Beard JH. (2020). Making the news: Victim characteristics associated with media reporting on firearm injury. Preventive Medicine. 


Khubchandani J & Price JH. (2020). Public perspectives on firearm sales in the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of the American College of Emergency. Physicians Open. 


McKay S, Bagg M, Patnaik A, Topolski N, Ibraheim MK, Zhao N, & Aitken ME. (2020). Addressing firearm safety counseling: Integration of a multidisciplinary workshop in a pediatric residency program. Journal of Graduate Medical Education.


Morrison CN, Kaufman EJ, Humphreys DK, & Wiebe DJ. (2020). Firearm homicide incidence, within-state firearm laws, and interstate firearm laws in US counties. Epidemiology.


Parker ST. (2020). Estimating nonfatal gunshot injury locations with natural language processing and machine learning models. JAMA Network Open. 


Prater LC, Haviland MJ, Rivara FP, Bellenger MA, Gibb L, & Rowhani-Rahbar A. (2020). Extreme risk protection orders and persons with dementia in the state of Washington. Journal of General Internal Medicine. 


Qasim Z, Sjoholm LO, Volgraf J, Sailes S, Nance ML, Perks DH, Grewal H, Meyer LK, Walker J, Koenig GJ, Donnelly J, Gallagher J, Kaufman E, Kaplan MJ, & Cannon JW. (2020). Trauma center activity and surge response during the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic—The Philadelphia story. Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery. 


Ranney ML, Herges C, Metcalfe L, Schuur JD, Hain P, & Rowhani-Rahbar A. (2020). Increases in actual health care costs and claims after firearm injury. Annals of Internal Medicine. 


Richardson JB, Wical W, Kottage N, Galloway N, & Bullock C. (2020). Staying out of the way: Perceptions of digital non-emergency medical transportation services, barriers, and access to care among young black male survivors of firearm violence. Journal of Primary Prevention. 


Semenza DC & Bernau JA. (2020). Information-seeking in the wake of tragedy: An examination of public response to mass shootings using google search data. Sociological Perspectives.


Siegel M, Goder-Reiser M, Duwe G, Rocque M, Fox J, & Fridel E. (2020). The relation between state gun laws and the incidence and severity of mass public shootings in the United States, 1976–2018. Law and Human Behavior. 


Stuber JP, Massey A, Meadows M, Bass B, & Rowhani-Rahbar A. (2020). SAFER brief community intervention: A primary suicide prevention strategy to improve firearm and medication storage behaviour. Injury Prevention. 


Swanson JW, Tong G, Robertson AG, & Swartz MS. (2020). Gun-related and other violent crime after involuntary commitment and short-term emergency holds. Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law.


Swendiman RA, Luks VL, Hatchimonji JS, Nayyar MG, Goldshore MA, Nace GW, Nance ML, & Allukian M. (2020). Mortality after adolescent firearm injury: Effect of trauma center designation. Journal of Adolescent Health. 


Vars FE. (2020). Voluntary do-not-sell lists—An innovative approach to reducing gun suicides. New England Journal of Medicine. 


Violanti JM & Steege A. (2020). Law enforcement worker suicide: An updated national assessment. Policing.


Wang EA, Riley C, Wood G, Greene A, Horton N, Williams M, Violano P, Brase RM, Brinkley-Rubinstein L, Papachristos AV, & Roy B. (2020). Building community resilience to prevent and mitigate community impact of gun violence: Conceptual framework and intervention design. BMJ Open. 


Xue J, Chen J, Chen C, Hu R, & Zhu T. (2020). Abusers indoors and coronavirus outside: An examination of public discourse about COVID-19 and family violence on Twitter. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 


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For more information, contact Silvia Villarreal at

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