The Consortium for Risk-Based Firearm Policy              

June 2021

The Consortium for Risked-Based Firearm Policy



June is Gun Violence Awareness Month, highlighting the ongoing public health crisis of gun violence in the United States and the urgent need to take action. To spread awareness, we encourage you to Wear Orange: Orange was adopted as the symbolic color of gun violence awareness after the shooting death of Hadiya Pendleton in 2013. Hadiya should have been celebrating her 24th birthday this June. Instead, we wear orange in her name – and for all those whose lives have been taken by gun violence.


June is also Pride Month, and we are taking this opportunity to speak out about the disproportionate impact of gun violence on the LGBTQ+ community. Gun violence has long been a significant concern to this community, which has experienced unspeakable tragedy in recent years, such as the Pulse nightclub shooting that took the lives of 49 people five years ago this month, and record-setting firearm violence against Black and Latinx transgender women. There is still a great deal of research to be done on rates of gun violence against and among LGBTQ+ people. We are hopeful that, with new streams of funding from the CDC and NIH, we will be able to learn more about the intersection of gun violence prevention and gender justice.


Career opportunity: The Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence is hiring a Research Translation Manager, a role that will in part work with the Consortium for Risk-Based Firearm Policy. Please share with your networks!


Congressional/Federal updates

  • ERPO Act: Representative Salud Carbajal (D-CA) and Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) re-introduced the Extreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO) Act. The ERPO Act would create a federal grant program through DOJ COPS to support implementation efforts of state extreme risk laws. The bill includes recommendations from the Consortium’s 2020 ERPO report; the Consortium signed onto a letter in support of the bill.
  • The Justice Department issued model legislation related to ERPOs and proposed new regulations for firearms stabilizing braces. CNN’s coverage of the proposals mentions the Consortium’s work on ERPO.

New resources

Judicial updates

  • Weber v. Ohio is newly pending cert before the Supreme Court. Originating from the Supreme Court of Ohio, the case deals with a legal challenge to Ohio state law prohibiting the carrying and use of firearms while intoxicated. The challenger was convicted under the law when police responded to his wife’s 911 call and found him in his home, heavily intoxicated, and holding a shotgun. The court upheld the law, noting, in part, that since the law narrowly targets only the usage or carrying of a gun while a person is intoxicated (a notably dangerous state) and does not prevent ownership or possession of firearms generally, then it does not violate the Second Amendment.
  • Young v. Hawaii is also pending cert before the Supreme Court. The case garnered a great deal of attention when the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals released its opinion on March 24, 2021, where a 7-4 majority upheld Hawaii’s public carry permitting scheme against a Second Amendment challenge. Young is notable not only because of its subject matter, but also for the robust historical analysis the court undertakes to discern the boundaries of the Second Amendment. The opinion is over 100 pages long and delves into over 700 years of legal history. Our friends at the Duke Center for Firearms Law released insightful reflections on the opinion shortly after it was published.
  • A federal judge overturned California’s three decades long assault weapons ban in a ruling that compares AR-15s with Swiss Army knives; the judge has a history of similar rulings. Stayed for 30 days, the decision has been met with sharp critiques. The state is appealing.

Media highlights

Upcoming events

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Asmar S, Bible L, Vartanyan P, Castanon L, Masjedi A, Richards J, Ditillo M, Tang A, & Joseph B. (2021). Firearm-related injuries: A single center experience. Journal of Surgical Research.


Baiden P, Jahan N, Onyeaka HK, Thrasher S, Tadeo S, & Findley E. (2021). Age at first alcohol use and weapon carrying among adolescents: Findings from the 2019 Youth Risk Behavior Survey. SSM – Population Health.


Barsotti C. (2021). Standing AFFIRM: Firearms, red flag laws, and at-risk patients. Emergency Medicine News.,_Red_Flag_Laws,_and.9.aspx


Brandt CA, Workman TE, Farmer MM, Akgün KM, Abel EA, Skanderson M, Bean-Mayberry B, Zeng-Treitler Q, Mason M, Bastian LA, Goulet JL, & Post LA. (2021). Documentation of screening for firearm access by healthcare providers in the veterans healthcare system: a retrospective study. Western Journal of Emergency Medicine.


Carlson J & James R. (2021). Conspicuously concealed: Federal funding, knowledge production, and the criminalization of gun research. Sociological Perspectives.


Crifasi CK, Ward JA, McGinty EE, Webster DW, & Barry CL. (2021). Public opinion on gun policy by race and gun ownership status. Preventive Medicine.


D’Inverno AS & Bartholow BN. (2021). Engaging communities in youth violence prevention: Introduction and contents. American Journal of Public Health.


Dong, B. (2021). Developmental comorbidity of substance use and handgun carrying among U.S. youth. American Journal of Preventive Medicine.


Gastineau KAB., Williams DJ, Hall M, Goyal MK, Wells J, Freundlich KL, Carroll AR, Browning, WL, Doherty K, Fritz CQ, Frost PA, Kreth H, Plancarte C, & Barkin S. (2021). Pediatric firearm-related hospital encounters during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Pediatrics.


Geller LB, Booty M, & Crifasi CK. (2021). The role of domestic violence in fatal mass shootings in the United States. Injury Epidemiology.


Gulamali FA. (n.d.). Circumscribing the right to bear arms: The second amendment, gun violence, and gun control in California and Mississippi. University of Miami International and Comparative Law Review


Hoskins N, Joseph R, & Akers SW. (2021). Firearm safety: Implications for pediatric nurses. Journal of Pediatric Surgical Nursing.


Hoyt T, Holliday R, Simonetti JA, & Monteith LL. (2021). Firearm lethal means safety with military personnel and veterans: Overcoming barriers using a collaborative approach. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice.


Hsu HT, Fulginiti A, Petering R, Barman-Adhikari A, Bedell K, Ferguson KM, Narendorf SC, Shelton J, Maria DS, Bender K, & Rice E. (2021). Understanding the correlates of firearm violence involvement among young adults experiencing homelessness: A 7-city study. American Journal of Preventive Medicine.


Hudak L, Schwimmer H, Warnock W, Kilborn S, Moran T, Ackerman J, & Rupp J. (2021). Patient characteristics and perspectives of firearm safety discussions in the emergency department. Western Journal of Emergency Medicine.


Janairo MP, Cardell AM, Lamberta M, Elahi N, & Aghera A. (2021). The power of an active shooter simulation: Changing ethical beliefs. Western Journal of Emergency Medicine.


Jennissen CA, Wetjen KM, Wymore CC, Stange NR, Denning GM, Liao J, & Wood KE. (2021). Firearm exposure and storage practices in the homes of rural adolescents. Western Journal of Emergency Medicine.


Johnson BL, Webb MW, DeMello AS, Bhalakia AM, Beckworth KL, Wesson DE, & Naik-Mathuria B. (2021). Physician-driven or self-directed safe firearm storage guidance: Which one is best? Journal of Pediatric Surgery.


Johnson BT, Sisti A, Bernstein M, Chen K, Hennessy EA, Acabchuk RL, & Matos M. (2021). Community-level factors and incidence of gun violence in the United States, 2014-2017. Social Science & Medicine.


Magee LA, Ranney ML, Fortenberry JD, Rosenman M, Gharbi S, & Wiehe SE. (2021). Identifying nonfatal firearm assault incidents through linking police data and clinical records: Cohort study in Indianapolis, Indiana, 2007–2016. Preventive Medicine.


Mattson CM, Grill J, Kaylor R, Ydenberg M, Koehler TJ, & Stork BR. (2021). Gun Violence and firearm injuries in West Michigan: Targeting prevention. Western Journal of Emergency Medicine.


Matuskey D, & Pittman B. (2021). Psychiatric hospitalizations before and after firearm reform in Connecticut. Psychiatric Services.


McMahon-Howard J, Scherer HL, & McCafferty JT. (2021). Examining the effects of passing a campus carry law: Comparing campus safety before and after Georgia’s new campus carry law. Journal of School Violence.


McMillan J, & Bernstein M. (2021). Beyond gun control: Mapping gun violence prevention logics. Sociological Perspectives.


Metzl JM, McKay T, & Piemonte JL. (2021). Structural competency and the future of firearm research. Social Science & Medicine.


Peterson JK, Densley JA, Knapp K, Higgins S, & Jensen A. (2021). Psychosis and mass shootings: A systematic examination using publicly available data. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law.


Quenzer F, Givner A, Dirks R, Coyne CJ, Ercoli F, & Townsend R. (2021). Self-inflicted gun shot wounds: A retrospective, observational study of U.S. trauma centers. Western Journal of Emergency Medicine. 


Reidelberger K, Raposo-Hadley A, Greenaway J, Farrens A, Burt J, Wylie L, Armstrong G, Foxall M, Bauman Z, & Evans C. (2021). Perceptions of violence in justice-involved youth. Surgery Open Science.


Richards JE, Hohl SD, Segal CD, Grossman DC, Lee AK, Whiteside U, Luce C, Ludman EJ, Simon G, Penfold RB, & Williams EC. (2021). “What will happen if I say yes?” Perspectives on a standardized firearm access question among adults with depressive symptoms. Psychiatric Services.


Schnippel K, Burd-Sharps S, Miller TR, Lawrence BA, & Swedler DI. (2021). Nonfatal firearm injuries by intent in the United States: 2016-2018 hospital discharge records from the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project. Western Journal of Emergency Medicine.


Sheppard KG, Zimmerman GM, & Fridel EE. (2021). Examining the relevance of contextual gun ownership on fatal police shootings. Justice Quarterly.  


Sidhu S, Mandelbaum A, Dobaria V, Williamson CG, Tran Z, Sullins V, & Benharash P. (2021). National trends in the cost burden of pediatric gunshot wounds across the United States. The Journal of Pediatrics.


Silver EM. (2021). COVID-19 and firearms: Public health considerations. Journal of Legal Medicine.


Siry BJ, Polzer E, Omeragic F, Knoepke CE, Matlock DD, & Betz ME. (2021). Lethal means counseling for suicide prevention: Views of emergency department clinicians. General Hospital Psychiatry.


Stacy C, Irvin-Erickson Y, & Tiry E. (2021). The impact of gunshots on place-level business activity. Crime Science.


Snyder KB, Raposo-Hadley A, Evans C, Farrens A, Burt J, Armstrong G, Garman J, Wylie L, & Foxall M. (2021). Defense, disrespect, and #deadly: A qualitative exploration of precursors to youth violence informed through hospital-based violence prevention program follow up. CrimRxiv.


South EC, Stillman K, Buckler DG, & Wiebe D. (2021). Association of gun violence with emergency department visits for stress-responsive complaints. Annals of Emergency Medicine.


Stansfield R, Semenza D, & Steidley T. (2021). Public guns, private violence: The association of city-level firearm availability and intimate partner homicide in the United States. Preventive Medicine.


Uspal NG, Strelitz B, Cappetto K, Tsogoo A, Jensen J, Rutman LE, Schloredt K, Bradford MC, Bennett E, & Paris CA. (2021). Impact of a firearm safety device distribution intervention on storage practices after an emergent mental health visit. Academic Pediatrics.


Zimmerman MA, Bartholow BN, Carter PM, Cunningham RM, Gorman-Smith D, Heinze JE, Hohl B, Kingston BE, Sigel EJ, Sullivan TN, Vagi KJ, Bowen DA, & Wendel ML. (2021). Youth firearm injury prevention: Applications from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention–funded Youth Violence Prevention Centers. American Journal of Public Health.


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