The Consortium for Risk-Based Firearm Policy              

March 2021

The Consortium for Risked-Based Firearm Policy



Before diving into the month’s news, we’d like to pause to acknowledge the extraordinary year we’ve shared. As we enter the second year of the COVID-19 pandemic, this community remains steadfast in its dedication to preventing gun violence. Many of you are working at the intersection of COVID and gun violence, while many others are trudging forward with research, advocacy, and more – all while managing the now-familiar weary strains of the pandemic. We mourn your losses, honor your sacrifices, and celebrate your successes, too.

Shifting to gun research and policy, our friends at The Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Policy and Research are seeking responses for a 3-minute survey on gun policy by today, March 5.


New resources

Congressional updates

Upcoming events

Our newsletter archive is publicly available and we share the research recaps on twitter throughout the month – join us! Please tag us in your tweets or email your updates so we can amplify and highlight the gun violence prevention work you’re doing.


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Anestis MD, Bond E, Bryan AO, & Bryan C. (2021). An examination of preferred messengers on firearm safety for suicide prevention. Preventive Medicine. 


Anestis MD & Bryan CJ. (2021). Threat perceptions and the intention to acquire firearms. Journal of Psychiatric Research. 


Anestis MD, Bryan CJ, Capron DW, & Bryan AO. (2021). Lethal means counseling, distribution of cable locks, and safe firearm storage practices among the Mississippi National Guard: A factorial randomized controlled trial, 2018–2020. American Journal of Public Health. 


Bond AE & Anestis MD. (2021). Firearm type and number: Examining differences among firearm owning suicide decedents. Archives of Suicide Research. 


Bowen AG, Tessler RA, Bowen D, Haviland MJ, Rowhani-Rahbar A, & Rivara FP. (2021). Relation of driving under the influence laws to access to firearms across US states. American Journal of Public Health. 


Brucato G, Appelbaum P, Hesson H, Shea E, Dishy G, Lee K, Pia T, Syed F, Villalobos A, Wall M, Lieberman J, & Girgis R. (2021). Psychotic symptoms in mass shootings v. mass murders not involving firearms: Findings from the Columbia mass murder database. Psychological Medicine. 


Buggs SA, Webster DW, & Crifasi CK. (2021). Using synthetic control methodology to estimate effects of a Cure Violence intervention in Baltimore, Maryland. Injury Prevention. 


Cimolai V, Schmitz J, & Sood A. (2021). Effects of mass shootings on the mental health of children and adolescents. Current Psychiatry Reports. 


Cullen P, Dawson M, Price J, & Rowlands J. (2021). Intersectionality and invisible victims: Reflections on data challenges and vicarious trauma in femicide, family and intimate partner homicide research. Journal of Family Violence. 


Donnelly MR, Grigorian A, Inaba K, Kuza CM, Kim D, Dolich M, Lekawa M, & Nahmias J. (2021). A dual pandemic: The influence of coronavirus disease 2019 on trends and types of firearm violence in California, Ohio, and the United States. Journal of Surgical Research. 


Dunton ZR, Kohlbeck SA, Lasarev MR, Vear CR, & Hargarten SW. (2021). The association between repealing the 48-hour mandatory waiting period on handgun purchases and suicide rates in Wisconsin. Archives of Suicide Research. 


Etra JW, Canner JK, Aslam U, & Nasr IW. (2021). Penetrating trauma in Baltimore: An analysis of the effect of a rise in localized violence by age group. Journal of Surgical Research. 


Fraser Doh K, Sheline E, Wetzel M, Simon H, & Morris C. (2021). Comparison of cost and resource utilization between firearm injuries and motor vehicle collisions at pediatric hospitals. Academic Emergency Medicine. 


Gowda C, Hardy RY, Traylor S, & Liu GC. (2021). Trends in healthcare utilisation for firearm-related injuries among a cohort of publicly insured children in Ohio. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 


Iwama J & McDevitt J. (2021). Rising gun sales in the wake of mass shootings and gun legislation. Journal of Primary Prevention. 


Kim D & Phillips SW. (2021). When COVID-19 and guns meet: A rise in shootings. Journal of Criminal Justice. 


Lyons VH, Haviland MJ, Azrael D, Adhia A, Bellenger MA, Ellyson A, Rowhani-Rahbar A, & Rivara FP. (2021). Firearm purchasing and storage during the COVID-19 pandemic. Injury Prevention. 


Mann JJ, Michel CA, & Auerbach RP. (2021). Improving suicide prevention through evidence-based strategies: A systematic review. American Journal of Psychiatry. 


McCourt AD. (2021). Firearm access and suicide: Lethal means counseling and safe storage education in a comprehensive prevention strategy. American Journal of Public Health. 


Merrill-Francis M, McGinty EE, Barry C, Webster D, & Crifasi CK. (2021). Association between gun owner attitudes and their behavior in private firearm sales. Preventive Medicine. 


Messing JT, AbiNader MA, Pizarro JM, Campbell JC, Brown ML, & Pelletier KR. (2021). The Arizona intimate partner homicide (AzIPH) study: A step toward updating and expanding risk factors for intimate partner homicide. Journal of Family Violence. 


Metzl JM, Piemonte J, & McKay T. (2021). Mental illness, mass shootings, and the future of psychiatric research into American gun violence. Harvard Review of Psychiatry. 


Monteith LL, Holliday R, Brown TL, Brenner LA, & Mohatt NV. (2021). Preventing suicide in rural communities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Rural Health. 


Olufajo OA, Williams M, Ahuja G, Okereke NK, Zeineddin A, Hughes K, Cooper Z, & Cornwell EE III. (2021). Patterns and trends of gun violence against women in the United States. Annals of Surgery. 


Peterson J, Densley J, & Erickson G. (2021). Presence of armed school officials and fatal and nonfatal gunshot injuries during mass school shootings, United States, 1980-2019. JAMA Network Open.


Price JH & Khubchandani J. (2021). Firearm suicides in the elderly: A narrative review and call for action. Journal of Community Health. 


Scantling D, Orji W, Hatchimonji J, Kaufman E, & Holena D. (2021). Firearm violence, access to care and gentrification: A moving target for American trauma systems. Annals of Surgery. 


Schaechter J & Hirsh MP. (2021). Caring for pediatric patients after gun violence. In LK Lee & EW Fleegler (Eds.), Pediatric firearm injuries and fatalities: The clinician’s guide to policies and approaches to firearm harm prevention. Springer International Publishing. 


Schwebel DC, Long DL, Gowey M, Severson J, He Y, & Trullinger K. (2021). Study protocol: Developing and evaluating an interactive web platform to teach children hunting, shooting and firearms safety: a randomized controlled trial. BMC Public Health. 


Shawon RA, Adhia A, DeCou C, & Rowhani-Rahbar A. (2021). Characteristics and patterns of older adult homicides in the United States. Injury Epidemiology. 


Simpson JR. (2021). The need for systematic training on gun rights and mental illness for forensic psychiatrists. American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law.


Teplin LA, Meyerson NS, Jakubowski JA, Aaby DA, Zheng N, Abram KM, & Welty LJ. (2021). Association of firearm access, use, and victimization during adolescence with firearm perpetration during adulthood in a 16-year longitudinal study of youth involved in the juvenile justice system. JAMA Network Open.


Willie TC, Kershaw T, Perler R, Caplon A, Katague M, & Sullivan TP. (2021). Associations between state intimate partner violence-related firearm policies and injuries among women and men who experience intimate partner violence. Injury Epidemiology. 


Yakubovich AR, Esposti MD, Lange BCL, Melendez-Torres GJ, Parmar A, Wiebe DJ, & Humphreys DK. (2021). Effects of laws expanding civilian rights to use deadly force in self-defense on violence and crime: A systematic review. American Journal of Public Health. 


Youngson N, Saxton M, Jaffe PG, Chiodo D, Dawson M, & Straatman AL. (2021). Challenges in risk assessment with rural domestic violence victims: Implications for practice. Journal of Family Violence. 


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For more information, contact Silvia Villarreal at

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